The show opened with the Michael Cole challenge, which was predictably a waste of time for the most part. There were three challenges and if JR won them all he would replace Cole on commentary on Raw. The first challenge was an arm wrestling contest, which JR won. Then there was a dance competition between the two which provided the only entertaining part as Jim Ross really got into it, which was a nice surprise and pretty damn awesome to be honest. Then the final challenge where the conniving Cole revealed it to be a weigh in where the lighter person would win.
After Michael Cole began to celebrate his cheap victory, CM Punk thankfully interrupted him and made the segment remotely interesting. “Your time is up Michael Cole,” Punk informed as he honestly revealed how bad the whole challenge had been and how it was a “colossal waste of time.” Cole eventually asked Punk to apologise for his remarks. Punk decided to go a different route and head butt Cole, followed by applying the Anaconda Vice.
Matt Striker backstage revealed how the time had finally come as a limo pulled up behind him where out stepped Mick Foley to a huge pop from the crowd in attendance.
Cody Rhodes and Hunico defeated Kofi Kingston and Sin Cara in a pretty flawed tag team match. It had decent moments but also it’s fair share of mistakes by all the wrestlers involved. Rhodes has now also gotten rid of his mask and has new music to help take him more seriously. I think this is definitely a step in the right direction for Cody who in my opinion should be seriously challenging for a World title over the next six months if WWE keep this push of his up.
Vickie Guerrero informed everyone about Christian’s unfortunate injury during the recent WWE European tour. I was gutted to hear about this, for me Christian has been the most consistent performer in WWE this year. She also revealed that Dolph Ziggler had taken his place on Wade Barret’s team at Survivor Series. Which makes sense, although I was really hoping for a Ryder versus Ziggler match up at the pay per view for the United States title.
Mason Ryan defeated Dolph Ziggler via disqualification when Vickie Guerrero slapped him on the apron. I was just grateful that a Mason Ryan match was cut short, apart from his build he hasn’t really shown me much to prove he’s the next Batista. After the bout John Morrison threw Ziggler back into the ring for Ryan to finish off.
Mick Foley called out John Cena and explained that he wanted to help him and The Rock coincide together a team. Mick Foley then presented a ‘This is Your Life’ for John Cena which was a largely disappointing segment and not particularly entertaining I found. Foley brought out guests Bull Buchanan, Cena’s old little league coach and Cena’s father John Cena SR, who actually told all the fans that chant “Cena sucks!” that “you suck,”I’m sure that’ll get them on his side. The Rock then mercifully came out and Rock Bottomed Foley to finally end the segment. Not a great start for Foley’s return is it?
Sheamus defeated Jack Swagger in a decent enough match. To be honest at this point in the show it was just a relief to have some action in the ring rather then talking, it was almost like an episode of iMPACT.
Kelly Kelly defeated Natalya with a quick roll up pin to add another loss to Natalya’s current poor record in a quick and forgettable bout. I can see all these losses building up to Beth Phoenix dumping Natalya and having her turn face and challenging for the title.
Mark Henry and Alberto Del Rio defeated Big and CM Punk after Henry World Strongest Slammed Punk and Del Rio raced in to grab the pin. The match was average for the most part, the parts with Show and Henry facing off were just dull, which doesn’t bode well for their most likely also dull match on Sunday for the title.
Santino Marella claimed to everyone in Boston that it was the place where his career got back on the right track once again. But he spoke too soon, as Kevin Nash (slowly) made his way out and reveled he was a big fan of Marellas and asked Santino to do his trombone routine. As he did Nash big booted and then Jacknife Powerbombed Marella.
Randy Orton versus Wade Barrett ended in DQ after all their respective team members raced into the ring and began to brawl until Orton’s team threw out all of Barrett’s squad. The actual match didn’t really last long and made more sense to finish this way to help build up their match at Survivor Series.
The Rock then revealed how ready he was for his Survivor Series match but wasn’t willing to wait another six days as he called out Awesome Truth to the ring. Miz and R-Truth joined him but explained that he was going to have to wait until Survivor Series to lay his hands on them. As they were about to leave Cena predictable made an appearance and him and The Rock exchanged some amusing words, such as Rock claiming Cena has “lady parts.” The Miz and R-Truth exclaimed how sick they were of Cena and The Rock’s ongoing feud and went to leave, that was until The Rock decided to put “boots to asses,” as he and Cena then beat on them both and he Rock Bottomed Awesome Truth and left.
To be honest it felt like a mostly average Raw considering it was a special three-hour event. But there were still some entertaining parts but just no particularly outstanding matches to be honest. But I still can’t help but look forward to Survivor Series this Sunday.
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