Friday, 4 November 2011

My iMPACT Wrestling, November 3rd 2011 Recap

iMPACT opened with the World champion James Storm talking about his background and what he would be remembered for when he passes. He then called out Bobby Roode to the ring and told him to make sure to "bring it" in their title match that night. Roode promised he would and also asked to make sure that they do what they do best and "steal the show."
Madison Rayne and Gail Kim defeated Tara and Miss Tessmacher(c) to win the Knockouts Tag Team championships in an average tag team bout. Tara and Kim in the ring together were the highlights. Rayne got the pin after Karen Jarrett distracted the referee and Gail applied her Eat Defeat finisher to Tara, allowing Madison to cover her.
Garrett Bischoff apologised to his dad, Eric Bischoff, for not becoming the man that he wanted him to be. He then apologised "for not doing this sooner," and began to pummel his father until Gunner and Flair made their way out in aid of Eric. I'm not really sure where they're going with this storyline now, a possible match between Eric and Flair against Garrett will be pretty awful, they need to have Garrett go up against a younger guy like Gunner and pick up the win at Turning Point I reckon.
Christopher Daniels and Rob Van Dam began to fight backstage after Daniels claimed how easily he could be beat him in an interview. Daniels scarpered after throwing some chairs in front of RVD to slow him down. I'm actually really looking forward to their match at Turning Point, and it's a relief to see that Daniels wasn't just dropped to the midcard after his feud with AJ Styles and given a more prominent position still.
Jesse Sorensen defeated X Division champion Austin Aries in an entertaining non title match. Sorensen got the on-two-three with a quick roll up pin. Kid Kash meanwhile was on commentary during the bout and gave some old school, cliche heel speech on how Sorensen has disrespected him backstage as a veteran of the X Division. 
Robbie E began to put down Eric Young and Ronnie from Jersey Shore, while hiding behind Rob Terry for the most part. This was until Ronnie began to take on Robbie E and Terry took both him and Young out. Terry then held Ronnie as Robbie began to whip him with his belt.
Jeff hardy and Mr. Anderson won via DQ against Jeff Jarrett and Bully Ray in a pretty exciting tag team match up for the majority. The disqualification came when the past it Steiner attacked Anderson as he went for a swanton off of the top rope. The assault continued afterwards from the three Immortal members on Hardy and Anderson.
Matt Morgan challenged Crimson to a one on one match, he actually at one point called it a "dream match," er, really Matt? A dream match to whom exactly? The undefeated Crimson accepted. 
Bobby Roode defeated James Storm(c) to win the TNA World Heavyweight title. The match was an exciting and fitting world championship calibre main event, with near falls and nice exchanges between the two. For the finish the referee had to dive out of the ring to avoid being hit int he corner, which caused him to hurt his leg. A fan quite amusingly put his hands up in the cross position when referee Hebner was injured on the outside (the sign usually used in pro wrestling when a wrestler is seriously injured). Roode tumbled to the outside too and turned to spot Storm's beer bottle he had brought in with him. In a major swerve Roode smashed the bottle across Storm's head and pinned him to win the title. Afterwards Roode revelled in the glory as the boos rained down on him and even put his foot on top of Storm's chest in victory.
I didn't mind the ending myself, I think Roode can pull off the heel role very well as he's proven in the past. But I don't get the point of Storm winning the title in the first place? Why didn't they just have Roode defeat Angle at Bound For Glory and screw Storm with the same finish in a title match between the two? 

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