The show kicked off with the scene of a big barbecue outside the arena with various wrestlers and divas celebrating Independence Day, with Kane himself igniting the BBQ with his signature entrance taunt.
Alberto Del Rio came to the ring and bragged about receiving his World title match at Money in the Bank against Sheamus and how he's going to beat him. He then went on to accuse the fans in Texas of entering America illegally and began harassing an obviously planted member of the crowd until Sheamus made his way out and they began brawling. As the World Champion was taking it to Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez helped his boss gain the upper hand and Alberto attacked 'The Great White' using the bot of his car. They even showed Sheamus bleeding from the attack after the break, guess they have no problem with using blood at all now. Used correctly it can add a lot of drama and excitement to a match.
Layla and The Great Khali defeated Aksana and Antonio Cesaro in a mediocre tag team match. Cesaro wasn't really given much chance to shine against Khali and Layla looked okay against the untalented Aksana. I just really cannot understand why Aksana is still in the company, she can't wrestle and has no acting skills. I hope the talented Cesaro can move on from this quickly.
Backstage Cody Rodes informed guest GM Teddy Long that he had been granted another qualifying match for the MITB by the Board of Directors, and in turn Long informed Rhodes that he had chosen Christian as his opponent in said match.
Cody Rhodes defeated Christian to qualify for the Money in the Bank match. It was a very enjoyable contest, with both men putting in solid efforts from start to finish.
Dolph Ziggler defeated Alex Riley to qualify for the MITB Match. It was another good qualifying bout for the night, with Riley and Ziggler both looking decent. I'd be putting my money on Dolph winning the MITB match too.
Shortly into an interview Michael Cole was conducting with AJ he asked her "What the hell were you thinking?" regarding pushing CM Punk into Daniel Bryan and a table on this weeks Raw. He then went onto call her a "troubled little girl" and shouldn't be the guest referee for a WWE Championship match. He then cringe worthily asked AJ if she instead would want to be with a "real man" such as himself instead of Punk or Bryan.
Daniel Bryan himself then fortunately interrupted Cole and called him a sexist bully, he also accused the commentator of making up stories like the rest of the media. After Bryan complimented AJ for a while, WWE Champ CM Punk joined them all and told Cole to get out of the ring. Punk went on to tell AJ that he's not going to suck up to her like Bryan, but instead seriously advised her to seek medical help. Bryan called Punk a liar and then received a snog from AJ, who left the ring to also kiss Punk and then skipped off. Her character is definitely one of the more interesting things in the company right now.
Santino Marella, Jim Duggan and Sgt Slaughter defeated Hunico, Camacho and Drew McIntyre in a tag match. It was passable for what it was, a novelty bout. It's quite funny, as Santino was celebrating with Duggan and Slaughter I could imagine him in twenty years time in the same position.
Back at the party Damien Sandow attempted to halt proceedings, only to began brawling with Zack Ryder. In retaliation Ryder then attempted to throw a bowl of punch at Sandow only to miss and soak Eve instead, much to everyone's delight.
Ryback defeated Curt Hawkings in a squash match. At least it was a bit more interesting than Ryback's usual routine, and with more relevant competition he's taking a step up finally. Unfortunately the crowd weren't really getting into it as they began entertaining themselves with chants of "Goldberg" once again.
Zack Ryder won the Great American Bash Battle Royal to earn the right to be the General Manager of SmackDown next week. The match itself (which included the likes of CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Big Show) wasn't bad, just the usual you expect from a battle royal. Zack Ryder last eliminated Kane as he pulled the ropes down to win the bout. The result was well received by the fans and hopefully this could be the revival Ryder has desperately needed since the awful Cena and Kane rivalry and his involvement in it.
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