Saturday, 21 April 2012

My WWE SmackDown, April 20th 2012 Recap

Daniel Bryan berated Sheamus for his recent aggressive actions against referee Jack Patton, himself and others. He went on to reveal that he plans on once again "shocking the World" in the city of Chicago (where he won the Money in the Bank match) by defeating Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship. The crowd were mostly behind Bryan with chants of "Yes!"
Bryan's ex AJ then made her way down, to boos funnily enough, and once again asked him to take her back, which he refused. But he also went one step further this time and claimed that he wish he'd never gone out with her and harshly stated that "I wish you were never even born." Ouch. It was another strong promo between the two, and more effective then any Bryan's had with his future opponent Sheamus.
Natalya won via disqualification after a distraught AJ snapped and began veraciously mauling her opposition. Upset she then immediately left afterwards. It was some nice acting on AJ's part and a logical step in the storyline for her to act this way.
Brodus Clay defeated Hunico in one of his routine squash matches. I was personally hoping he'd moved beyond these after WrestleMania but I guess not. This time 'The Funkasaurus' was accompanied by Hornswaggle, who tadpole splashed Hunico after the bout.
Titus 'O Neil and Darren Young defeated The Usos in a fair to average tag team contest. Although I'll give 'O Neil credit for gaining a bit more charisma since turning heel on NXT, I still find both him and Young quite average talents overall, I definitely believe there are more deserving talents for their spot on SmackDown e.g Tyson Kidd.  
Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show in an average and forgettable match up after Cody Rhodes Disaster Kicked Show when the referee wasn't looking, helping Del Rio gain the one-two-three. I'm surprised Del Rio is still floating about like this since his return, he should have been put into a feud straight away.    
Ryback defeated nobody Danny Lerman in another of his squash matches. He keeps screaming after his bouts that he wants more, I'd like to see him finally get a real opponent.
Before the main event six-man tag team match Cody Rhodes took out The Great Khali by attacking his knee on the apron, so instead of replacing him with an up and coming talent who could use the exposure they chose Big Show to take his place.
Randy Orton, Big Show and Sheamus defeated Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan in an enjoyable and largely solid main event. Fortunately the less mobile Show and Henry were utilised well here and given limited time in the ring to make an impact or the role of making the hot tag after being beaten down. 
Overall it was another mostly lackluster SmackDown, with only the Bryan AJ segment and main event saving it. I really think Ryback could add more to the show if given a real opponent to play with in the ring.  

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