Tuesday, 17 January 2012

My WWE Raw, January 16th 2012 Recap

Mick Foley opened things up by saying that he would love to wrestle one more time in a WWE ring for his two youngest children Huey and Mickey, who were too young to see him wrestle the last time for the company. This news predictably went down very well with the crowd in attendance. He then added that he was officially a contestant in the 2012 Royal Rumble match.  
Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler then made their way out, where Dolph questioned Foley's spot in the Royal Rumble match. Claiming that he was taking away a precious place from a wrestler that's been working hard all year to earn it. But Foley responded by saying that he wasn't just in the Rumble for the sake of it, he was in it to "win it." Ziggler then bragged about his recent victories over Cena and WWE Champion CM Punk and said that he "couldn't think of a bigger let down" then if he were to win the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble and then Mick were to win the Rumble match and he'd have to face an "out of shape, has been, was never that good to begin with glorified stuntman, walking punchline" at WrestleMania (what a mouthful). Ziggler also demanded that Foley "just go away!" Dolph looked and sounded superb in this segment I thought, he's certainly come a long, long way with his mic skills over the last year.
WWE Champion CM Punk then joined them, with a big welcome for Mick. Punk listed off a few similarities between him and Foley, including the fact that they've both earned everything that they have achieved unlike Ziggler. He also added that he thought it would be "damn cool" if he were to go on to WrestleMania to defend his title against Mick Foley. John Laurinaitis then announced that he was refusing Foley's entrance into the Royal Rumble match and the segment ended with a cackling Vickie in Mick's face.
Primo and Epico (c) defended the WWE Tag Team Titles against Air Boom in a fast paced and entertaining match up. My only real gripe is that they should've given this bout some more time, these two teams deserve it. Unfortunately WWE have again dropped the ball with the tag division and haven't been building up anyone else to face Primo and Epico for the titles in the future. I wrote a couple of months back that they should be building up other teams outside of the title scene to give them more credibility when they fight for the championships.   
Jack Swagger defeated Zach Ryder (c) to win the United States Championship. It was a match dominated by Swagger, who understandably took advantage of the injured Zach Ryder in a forgettable title bout. But it was understandably more about selling Kane's attack on Ryder then having a decent title match. 
Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox defeated the Bella Twins in a worthless match where 'special' guest Perez Hilton assisted Kelly by dragging out one of the Bellas (I can't be asked to remember which one) after one of their signature swaps with each other.  
Wade Barrett interrupted R-Truth before he'd even begun talking. He once again claimed how he was going to be the victor of the Royal Rumble match in two weeks. I have to say that he's definitely one of my favourites to win it. He also called R-Truth a"lunatic" who'd be better off in a "straight jacket." R-Truth asked Barrett why he was so mad, and added that he missed his smile. Truth then presented a slideshow from his trip to Disneyland. In a funny moment we saw Pinocchio's nose grow after saying that Wade's going to win the Royal Rumble, to which R-Truth responded "I don't even know if that's PG!" The Miz then attacked Truth from behind as he snuck in form the crowd, but it didn't last long as Sheamus came to his aid. Teddy Long (we have to endure him on Raw now too?) then booked an Over The Top Challenge between all four men. This is probably the most entertaining R-Truth has been since his return as face, I'd like to see him make it work.
R-Truth won the Over The Top Challenge. It was more entertaining then I was expecting and a nice little touch as far as hyping the Royal Rumble goes. Wade Barrett was first eliminated, then Miz and Sheamus together as Truth tossed them both over.
John Laurinaitis granted an irate John Cena a match against Jack Swagger as payback for Ryder, but before the bell had even had a chance to ring Cena ruthlessly took out Swagger. Dragging him out of the ring and onto the announce desk and Irish Whipping him into the steel steps. As he was about to slam the steps onto a helpless Swagger's head Kane appeared on the tron. He told Cena that he was impressed, and that by the time their match at the Royal Rumble comes around he would've "embraced the hate."  
Brodus Clay defeated JTG in another dominate and oddly entertaining performance from Clay. He's certainly become one of the most charismatic performers in the company today, and I'm all for it. It just works doesn't it?
Daniel Bryan came out and said that although most people see Big Show as a loveable giant, he's actually a "freak" that bowled over his girlfriend, AJ. He also accused Big Show of intentionally running over her to get to him and the World Heavyweight Title. He then warned Show that "you shouldn't ever show your face on SmackDown again. And if you do, I'm going to make you pay." In regards to his title match against Mark Henry on this Fridays SmackDown, he said that he was going to dedicate that victory to AJ.
It was a nicely executed speech by Bryan, he's really fitted brilliantly into the new heel role so far. Although I'd still not say that he's a fully blown out heel just yet. I always felt that Bryan had the character there even as a face (just look at his awesome segments with Cole back on NXT) but I guess the heel turn is what he needed to go up that next level in WWE.
CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho Mick Foley defeated David Otunga, Mark Henry and Dolph Ziggler in a mostly entertaining Six-Man Tag Team Match. The best part for me being the action between Punk and Ziggler. As Chris Jericho was tagged into the match to a huge ovation, he began his trademark celebration with the crowd and then left the ring. I'm still a big fan of this intriguing storyline involving Jericho and his refusal to talk or even wrestle in the ring. It certainly has people guessing anyway. As Bryan was tagged in and began to tangle with his opponent on Friday, Mark Henry, their fight ended up travelling backstage. Mick Foley then arrived and joined Punk on his team, claiming that Laurinaitis had given him permission to do so. Foley looked rather sloppy between the ropes to be honest, as much of a fan as I am I have to admit it. Mick ended up grabbing the win after applying the Mandible Claw to David Otunga.         
After the bout Laurinaitis charged out and reversed the decision after announcing that Foley had never cleared his participation in the match with him beforehand. CM Punk grabbed the mic out of his hand and told him to "Shut your mouth, you're gonna listen to me!" Which provoked a huge roar form the fans. Punk claimed that Laurinaitis acts the way he does because in the ring he never amounted to anything, he never had the ability and he was boring. All true. He also added that he can't stand the fact that in the past year CM Punk has achieved more in his career then he ever will in his entire life. Regarding the title match at the Royal Rumble where John Laurinaitis will be the special guest referee Punk stated that it doesn't matter what he does because "I'll still be better then you." And he ended by simply saying "You're pathetic." It was another superb and heated promo from the WWE Champion.
Laurinaitis picked up the mic and claimed that he wasn't pathetic, and that he wouldn't be intimidated by Punk. Mick Foley then told John to just admit what he is, and called him a "kiss ass," which is a perfect term to describe him behind the scenes. "Who the hell do you think you are Foley?" Asked Laurinaitis. He also admitted that he will screw CM Punk out of the Championship and that he was sick of everyone pushing him around and bullying him. Laurinaitis actually showed some real emotion and personality here as he vented at everyone. He then ended the show by striking Foley in the head with the microphone. 

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