Friday, 23 December 2011

My Impact Wrestling, December 22nd 2011 Recap

Bully Ray and World champion Bobby Roode explained in the ring how they loved this time of year, and how "giving" they were by giving everyone a beaten up Sting and Jeff Hardy as an early Christmas present on last weeks Impact. Roode went on to urge 'The Stinger' to suspend him for his actions, since he could use the time off this time of year. "Do the right thing Sting," he pleaded. Jeff Hardy decided to join them and threatened that Roode wasn't going to be suspended because at Genesis he was going to take his World title from him. Next Sting then announced that for the main event it will be him and Hardy versus Roode and Bully Ray in a tag team Street Fight.
AJ Styles and Kazarian defeated Christopher Daniels and Rob Van Dam in a decent, if not a little disappointing (considering the wrestlers involved) tag team match. Daniels purposely tagged in late and didn't really get as much time as Van Dam, which was a shame. The finish came when RVD, who'd had enough of his neglectful partner, kicked Daniels in the head and Kaz applied the Fade To black for the one-two-three. There could've only been one sensible result here, Styles and Kazarian are still good friends whilst Daniels and Van Dam have only just come off of their feud.
In a VT featuring clips from Anthony Nese and Zema Ion's match from last weeks Impact, along with interviews, Ion states "I'm sick of waiting at home for opportunities," I'm sure there are plenty of guys who feel the same in TNA. That's why talented wrestlers like The Young Bucks are leaving the company, yet we're forced to watch the likes of Anderson and Abyss every week.
Backstage Pope was threatened by Devon during an interview until Devon's son helped take his father out with a steel chair. D'Angelo then screamed in Devon's face that his sons were now "My boys!"
Anthony Nese defeated Zema Ion in another solid and fast paced bout between the two. I personally thought this match was even better then last weeks. The action was crisp and both men were clearly out there to leave an impression with the high flying moves they were pulling out.
Madison Rayne, who had apparently been names executive VP of the Knockouts division last week by the now fired Karen Jarrett, demanded that tag team partners Tara and Ms. Tessmacher face each other in a one on one match because she was sick of them as a team.  
Tara versus Tessmacher ended in a, well, it had no official ending. The two wrestlers at first began to joke around, feigning holds and pin attempts, much to the chagrin of special referee Rayne. It was a waste of time really, Tenay at one point even asked in bemusement "What the hell are we watching here?" Good question Mike. As the match went on both women began to slowly get more and more aggressive and the action began to pick up a bit. But after a while they finally caught on to Rayne's game of having them turn on each other and double-elbowed her. Forcing the bout to end, apparently. The actual match up was pretty average and felt like a waste of time when they could have had a decent match with some Knockouts.
James Storm (looking a little like a modern-day Jesus in a suit and shades) gave a charismatic promo where he spoke about Angle's demand of a rematch with him and claimed that when he beat Kurt at Final Resolution he "got the job done." We were then shown Angle at a bar that Storm supposedly attends regularly, all dressed up in a red and black cowboy outfit. The Olympic gold medallist offended a woman he was talking to and spat out a beer that Storm normally has in her face, claiming it tasted like "piss water." He ended the segment by warning Storm "sorry, about their damn luck."
ODB and Eric Young defeated Shannon Moore and Anarquia in a mostly comedy match up. Again it was another match that probably could've been something decent but ended up quite forgettable really. The ending came after Moore left his partner Anarquia for scoop slamming a woman (ODB) and when the referee was distracted she low blowed him and scored the pinfall victory.
Kurt Angle back at the bar, took out a few of the local residents and lined them up on bar stools to be superkicked each. To finish things off he also threw a Christmas tree on top of them.
Sting and Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray and Bobby Roode in the Street Fight main event. The actual match was the usual TNA weapons-spot-fest hardcore match, it was pretty mediocre but not awful. Sting looked a little sloppy at parts in another indication that 'The Icon' should probably end his in-ring activities sooner rather then later. Hardy got the pinfall after body splashing Bobby Roode through a table.          

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